Services Offered
If there’s one thing we’ve learned after more than 60 years of being in business it’s to take care of customers by serving their needs better and faster than the competition at a fair price. We offer a number of services, many of which are not available at the “big box” stores including

Cutting Glass and Acrylic to Size
(usually while you wait)
We also do a lot of special ordering of thicker glass sizes, tempered glass, glass with polished edges and more.

Window Sash and Screen Repairs
(usually within 24 hours)
If you have a fogged-up or broken double-paned or Thermopane window we can repair that for you as well, although that will take us 3-4 business days as the replacement glass insert has to be custom built for your window. We can repair or replace broken corners or frame members in many styles of aluminum framing. We also clean out and re-glaze glass in your wooden or steel-framed sash. If you need a NEW screen or storm window insert made up we can do that as well.

Sharpen Chainsaw Chains
usually ready within 24 hours also. Charges for sharpening chains that are brought in ‘off the saw’ are $10.00 up to a 16” chain.

Key Cutting
which includes hundreds of choices of key blanks as well as car keys with computer chips in the head of the key. We can program them and cut them while you wait. Give us a call and we can check your car key by make and model to make sure we are able to copy it for you.

Cutting and Threading Black and Galvanized Iron Pipe
which includes sizes ranging from 3/8” to 2” in diameter. We also stock a complete line of fittings and adapters.

Sharpen Lawn Mower Blades
for just $8.00 each, unless you have a special blade or a badly miss-sharpened one that will require extra sharpening time…then we’ll talk.

Lamp Repair
includes replacing sockets, rewiring, replacing damaged or worn out plugs. We’ll get it back to you within a couple of days.
Any questions about these services or others that you don’t see listed, feel free to just give us a call at 314-427-1404. We’ll certainly be happy to help you out if we can.
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